Thursday 21 October 2010

Patch Me UP

It has proven to be an interesting week where vulnerabilities are concerned - Google Chrome would still seem to be up there with the best of them with exposures which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct spoofing attacks, bypass certain security restrictions, and potentially compromise a user's system – not a good start to the browsing day on the Internet.
We also see a week in which the applications are again proving to need a little maintenance to keep the Home, and Business Assets Secure - Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader, Sun Java JDK, Mozilla Firefox, Foxit ReaderOpera MultipleInternet Explorer, and Microsoft Windows (O/S).
What should all of this tell us – well, one thing is FACT, if the computing asset of choice is not maintained in a current, and patched condition, it just may be that it could suffer some form of compromise before to long – so tune in, and apply those patches.